book cover MPE/iX System Administration Handbook
by Jon Diercks.

ISBN: 0-13-030540-5
published by: Prentice-Hall PTR / HP Professional Books

This book covers essential tools and skills required for successful MPE/iX system management. Diercks presents hands-on examples, solutions to common problems, and dozens of tips for streamlining operations and making the most of your HP e3000 system.

"A book like Diercks' is long overdue. HP e3000 operators, system managers, database and capacity planners, and performance specialists will benefit from reading this volume and keeping it handy." -- Jeff Vance, Senior Programmer, Hewlett-Packard Company "... equally useful for the MPE newbie or MPE gray-hair ... chock full of examples ... an excellent reference-of-first-choice." -- The3000NewsWire (read full 2001 review) (more praises in 2005 and 2011)

" ... an incredible book ... something I can HIGHLY recommend to my customers." -- Gary Jackson, QSS

You can buy this book from amazon and other fine stores.
Some code samples and scripts from the book are available here for copy-and-paste.

Send comments and questions to the author at <>. Jon also provides consulting services.