The main menu heading can be changed by altering the prompt text for question SY01. The title bar text on data entry screens is controlled by NUUPAU.
Common Code NUJB QUEUE -- allows to you to set the nice value based upon the IFAS Job's historical performance
limit n[;queue=queuename][;nice=nicevalue]
MPE_NICE in .batchrc
An example of passing input to external programs via RUNREQ:
if [ -f $HOME/tmp/$PGRP/pub/RUNREQ ]
then runreq=$HOME/tmp/$PGRP/pub/RUNREQ
elif [ -f $HOME/tmp/$PGRP/data/RUNREQ ]
then runreq=$HOME/tmp/$PGRP/data/RUNREQ
else echo "**Cannot find RUNREQ file." 1>&2
exit 1
line=`grep "^GL19" $runreq`; batch=${line#????}
line=`grep "^GL29" $runreq`; date=${line#????}
line=`grep "^SY02" $runreq`; sy02=${line#????}
$bin/myprog.4ge "$batch" "$date" "$sy02"